Monday, April 25, 2011

Resurrection Rolls

The kids and I decided to honor Resurrection Day by making these delicious, yet educational snacks -- Resurrection Rolls.

Here is B, rolling his marshmallow (representing the body of Jesus) into butter (representing the oils used to prepare the body for burial), and cinnamon-sugar (representing the spices used in preserving the body), and wrapping it in the crescent roll (representing the linen cloth used to wrap Jesus' body).
After the rolls were baked in a 350 degree oven (representing the tomb) for 10-12 minutes, they were ready to be eaten -- much to the excitement of the children.  :o)

 Here, I broke one of the rolls open, where the marshmallow has "mysteriously" disappeared.

The "tomb" is empty! Jesus is alive! Praise be to God!

The children thoroughly enjoyed the fact that they were able to eat this craft project, too.  :o)

Even little C got in on the action.  Mmm...  A tasty object lesson.  :o)


chrissy said...

ok we made these but the marshmellow didnt disappear, it got bigger... wonder what we did wrong???

gusDon said...

Making marshmallows is always fun. Especially made ​​for people who loved... with family is always fun!
This image is very good!