Wednesday, July 16, 2008

From the Weird Mind of My "Baby Daddy"

Here are Jay's pics of R wearing her pretty wedding dress in public. I have to admit that some of these are so hilarious that I am having trouble typing this post because I am laughing so hard.

I just love my sweet little princess. She has this incredible ability for someone at such a young age to be able to perform and to really communicate with just her facial expressions. She did such a great job!

Here are the pics (with Jay's comments):

"One down, 26 to go"

"And I will dance with Cinderella"

"I will never be a tree hugger!"

"Don't count on a dowry, boys."

"Well, someone has to pay for this dress!"

"Someday my prince will come."

"A bride's gotta do, what a bride's gotta do"

"And not a spot on my dress. Eat your heart out."

"What? Have you seen the price of groceries?"

Well, what did you think? Of course, either way, I think we can all agree that we have a very adorable daughter! Ha ha :o)

1 comment:

Bronie said...

she's so funny and such a good sport! tell her i make that same face when i have to take out the garbage! :)